
More prices for this season will be available soon.

See the Specials page for some of the great deals available this seasons

    • Spring Flowers

      Flowers that bloom in spring for Easter

    • Mini Daffodils

      Mini Daffodils

      6" pot $3.99 ea
      6" pot 4 for $12

      Miniature yellow daffodils perennials that bloom in the spring

    • Daffodils


      6" pot $3.99 ea.
      6" pot 4 for $12

      Yellow and white perennial flowers that bloom in the early spring. Includes decorative pot cover.

    • Mountain Pinks

      Mountain Pinks

      8" pot $4.99 ea.
      3 for $12

      A low growing, pink flowering perennial.

    • Tulips


      6" pot $3.99 ea.
      6" pot 4 for $12

      Spring blooming perennial in many different colors. Includes decorative pot cover.

    • Hyacinths


      6" Pot $3.99 ea.
      6" pot 4 for $12

      Fragrant perennial flowers in pink, white and purple that bloom in the spring. Includes pot cover.

    • Hydrangea


      8" pot with cover $11.99

      A perennial bush that produces large white, pink

      or blue flowers.

    • Pansies


      8" pot $3.99 ea.
      4 8"pots for $12
      Flat of 32 plants $10.99

      Pansies are annuals that have bright, beautiful

      colors and patterns. They are frost resistant

      and can be planted in early spring or the fall.

    • Perennials 1 gallon pot

      Perennials 1 gallon pot

      $3.99 ea.
      3 for $10

      A huge selection of perennials in 1 gallon pots

      that bloom in the spring and summer

      and will return each year.

    • Citronella


      8" pot $5.99 ea.

      The 'Mosquito Plant'. A citrusy smelling plant that grows to 18"-24"

    • Jade


      6" pot $2.99 ea.

      Jade plant is also known as lucky plant, money plant or money tree. It is a succulent the grows slow and requires little care.

    • Wandering Jew

      Wandering Jew

      8" Hanging Basket $4.99 each
      3 8" Hanging Baskets for $12
    • Assorted Flower Bulbs

      Assorted Flower Bulbs

      2 for $14
      $7.99 ea.
    • Nursery

      Trees and shrubs to decorate your yard. Evergreens and deciduous trees are available. An extensive selection of flowering and ornamental plants. This is only a very small list of some of the many plants that are available.

    • Large Shrubs in 3 Gallon Pots

      Large Shrubs in 3 Gallon Pots

      $11.99 each
      3 for $33.00

      Boxwoods, Alberta Spruce, Golden Thread Cypress, Barberry, Junipers, and many more

    • Forsythia


      3 gal. pot $11.99 ea. 3 for $33
      B&B $17.99 ea. 3 for $50

      Large Forsythia bushes that bloom with yellow flowers in the spring and provide a dense foliage through the summer.

    • Emerald Green Arborvitae

      Emerald Green Arborvitae

      7 gal. pot $19.99 ea. 6 for $100
      5' - 6' pot $59.99 ea. 2 for $100
      6' - 7' pot $69.99 ea.

      A fast growing narrow evergreen that grows well in sun to part shade. Great for a privacy fence. Available in different sizes.

    • Green Giant Arborvitae

      Green Giant Arborvitae

      7 gal $39.99 ea. 3 for $100
      15 gal $69.99
      20 gal $99.99

      Large fast growing evergreen with dense green foliage. Great for a screen or stand alone. Available in different sizes.

    • Leyland Cypress

      Leyland Cypress

      7 gal. $29.99 each. 4 for $100

      A fast growing evergreen tree. Great for hedges and screens.

    • Packaged Roses

      Packaged Roses

      $8.99 each
      2 for $17

      Many varieties of roses packaged and ready to plant.

    • Knock Out Roses

      Knock Out Roses

      3 gallon pot $14.99

      A shrub that blooms with many flowers in red, pink or white in the early summer and fall.

    • Schip Laurel

      Schip Laurel

      5 gallon pot $24.99 each
      5 for $100

      Full sun or full shade evergreen that flowers in the spring.

    • Rhododendron


      3 gallon pot for $19.99
      6 gallon pot for $39.99
      10 gallon pot for $69.99

      An evergreen that flowers in spring and grows 6-8 ft high

    • Azaleas


      3 gallon pot for $14.99

      A shrub that flowers in the spring and grows in partial sun/shade. 2-4 ft

    • Forever Goldie Arborvitae

      Forever Goldie Arborvitae


      Full sun to part shade. Great hedge or accent evergreen

      Size: Height 16-20' x width 4-5'

    • Moonglow Juniper

      Moonglow Juniper

      7 gallon pot $59.99

      Full sun to part shade

      Size: Height 12-15 x width 4-5'

      Natural columnar growth

    • Redbuds


      $99.99 - $129.99

      Many varieties to choose from

    • Southern Magnolia

      Southern Magnolia

      $99.99 each

      Bracken's Beauty

    • Mulch Soil & Stone

      Soils, stones, and ground cover in a variety of colors in bulk or in bags,

    • Black Mulch Delivered by the Truckload

      Black Mulch Delivered by the Truckload

      $18 / cu. yard
      $50 for delivery in a
      15-25 mile radius
      from the farm

      Bulk Black mulch delivered. Free delivery up to 15 miles from the farm and 15 yard minimum load.
      $50 delivery charge for a delivery in a 15.1-25 miles from the farm.
      Still lands in your yard than $21.50 per yard.

    • Black Mulch

      Black Mulch

      1.5 cu. ft bag $1.99 each
      6 bags for $10

      Double - shredded tree parts colored with the highest quality black dye. Each bag covers approximately 9 sq. ft. at a depth of 2 inches. 6 bags would cover 54 square feet.

    • Natural Cedar Mulch

      Natural Cedar Mulch

      2 cu. ft. bag $4.99 ea.
      3 bags for $12

      Gold Cedar mulch in 2 cubic foot bags.

    • Red Mulch

      Red Mulch

      2 cu. ft. bag $4.99 ea.
      3 bags for $12

      Red mulch in 2 cubic foot bags.

    • Miracle Gro Garden Soil

      Miracle Gro Garden Soil

      1 cu. ft bag $3.99 ea
      3 bags for $10

      All purpose garden soil in 1 cu. ft. bags. Online Rebate of $2 per bag. up to 10 bags. Minimum purchase of 3 bags to receive the rebate. Final cost $1.34 / bag. Rebate coupon valid thru 6/30/25.

    • Miracle Gro Potting Mix

      Miracle Gro Potting Mix

      1 cu. ft. bag $7.99 ea.
      2 bags for $14

      Miracle Gro Potting Mix in 1 cu. ft. bag. Feeds up to 6 months. Online Rebate of $2 per bag. up to 10 bags. Minimum purchase of 2 bags to receive the rebate. Final cost $5.00 / bag. Rebate coupon valid thru 6/30/25.

    • Organic Raised Bed & Container Mix

      Organic Raised Bed & Container Mix

      1.5 cu. ft. bag $7.99 ea.
      2 bags for $14

      Organic mix for vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs in 1.5 cu. ft. Online Rebate of $2 per bag. up to 10 bags. Minimum purchase of 2 bags to receive the rebate. Final cost $5.00 / bag. Rebate coupon valid thru 6/30/25.

    • Peat Moss

      Peat Moss

      2.2 cu. ft. bag $12.99 each
      2 bags for $25

      Peat Moss in 2.2 cu. ft. bags.

    • Organic Humas and Manure

      Organic Humas and Manure

      1 cu. ft. bag $2.99 each
      4 bags for $10
    • Top Soil

      Top Soil

      .75 cu. ft. bag 2.99 ea.
      5 bags for $10

      Quality top soil in 40 lb. bags

    • Decorative Red Stone

      Decorative Red Stone

      0.5 cu. ft. bag $5.99 ea
      2 bags for $10

      Decorative 3/4" red stone in 50 lb. bags

    • Decorative White Stone

      Decorative White Stone

      0.5 cu. ft. bag $5.99 ea
      2 bags for $10

      Decorative 1" white stone in 50 lb. bags

Mulch Calculator

    • Gardening Supplies

      Pots, Planters, Decorations, Gardening Tools, Fertilizer, Weed and Bug Control. This is only a very small list of some of the many products that are available.

    • Half Barrel Planter

      Half Barrel Planter

      $7.99 ea.
      2 for $14.00

      Small half barrel planter

    • Plant Saucer

      Plant Saucer

      4" $0.39
      6" $0.49
      8" $0.89
      10" $1.39
      12" $1.99
      14" $2.59
      16" $3.29
      17" $3.99

      Clear plastic plant pot saucer

    • Talavera Pottery

      Talavera Pottery

      Various prices
    • Weed Fabric

      Weed Fabric

      150 Sq Ft (3'X50') $7.99
      900 Sq Ft (3'X300') $39.99

      Weed fabric creates a weed barrier that allows water, air, and nutrients to reach the plant.

      Good for flower beds and mulched areas.

    • Welcome Coconest Basket

      $9.99 ea.

      Large coconest basket with Welcome sign

    • Holly-tone


      4 lbs. bag for $6.99
      18 lbs. bag for $12.99

      Evergreen and Azalea Food

    • Roundup


      30 fl. oz. $7.99
      1 ga.l $14.99

      Weed and Grass killer

    • Garden Hose - Heavy Duty

      Garden Hose - Heavy Duty


      50 ft, 5/8" Diameter. Kink resistant

    • Soaker Hose

      Soaker Hose


      50 ft. 1/2" diameter. Uses up to 70% less water

    • Home Defense Insect Killer

      Home Defense Insect Killer

      1.1 Gal. $19.99

      Up to 12 months Protection

    • Bird-X and Deer-X Protective Netting

      Bird-X and Deer-X Protective Netting

      Bird-X 14' x 14' (196 sq ft) $9.99
      Deer-X 7' x 100' (700 sq ft) $24.99
    • Preen


      5.6 lbs $14.99

      Weed Preventer. Stops weeds before they start.

    • Osmocote


      1 lb. $5.99
      4.5 lbs. $16.99

      Flower and vegetable fertilizer

    • Miracle Gro

      Miracle Gro

      1 lb. sprayer $9.99
      3 lbs. $9.99

      All purpose plant food

    • Lime


      25 lb $11.99

      Fast acting. Helps green your lawn and

      naturally raises soil pH

    • Garden Tools

      Garden Tools

      $11.99 ea.

      Shovels, Rakes, and Hoes

    • Deer Out

      Deer Out

      40 oz. Deer Out $9.99
      128 oz. Deer Out $29.99
    • Hand tools

      Hand tools

      Various prices starting at $1.99 ea.

      A variation of tools to choose from

    • 72" Double Shepherd Plant Hook

      72" Double Shepherd Plant Hook


      72" tall. Double hook for 2 hanging baskets

    • Bird Baths

      Bird Baths

      $79.99 each

      Ceramic, Floral Pattern

    • Decorative Flags

      Decorative Flags

      $5.99 ea. 2 for $10.00
  • Prices subject to change. Gasko’s is not responsible for typos.
  • Cash and Checks Accepted. No Credit or Debit Cards

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